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Community forum a great success!

About 90 people came out to the second Salem Community Vision "community meeting" last night at the Grand Theatre. First the audience was treated to a lively song by Peter Bergel written especially for the evening. Then retired Oregon Supreme Court Judge Paul De Muniz hosted a panel presentation. First up were Linda Norris, Salem City Manager, and Police Chief Jerry Moore, who spoke about the city's current proposal to upgrade City Hall and build a new police building at the Civic Center. Then Geoffrey James and Gene Pfeifer spoke on behalf of Salem Community Vision about an alternative plan, focusing on ways to save our valuable Civic Center assets - including trees and green spaces - and to reduce the tax burden on our community. The audience had a chance to make comments and ask questions. Many good questions were asked and everyone felt that the event was a good opportunity for the public to be heard. In the end what we learned is that the process continues. Nothing has been decided.

The City Council had a worksession on this issue on Monday, January 27. Linda Norris said at the forum that the next step is to take what the City has learned in all of their presentations, and what the Council talked about, and gather more information on various options regarding the seismic upgrades, Civic Center renovations and location of a new police station. So, we hope that citizens will continue to talk to their City Councilors and share their ideas and opinions on this important issue. You are being heard now, so let's take advantage of this opportunity. Get involved!

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